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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Haha sry so long never post anyway juz saying hi and byes now=) haha i noe i veri lame but i really make a great effort juz to write these few sentences... haha byes^^


Come back to me.
6:54 PM

Saturday, February 20, 2010

2day i wake up at 8am... Then i ate breakfast, brush teeth, change clothes, use comp and after that go out of house... Go take 180 to go to jurong point cause we meeting there... Initially there is onli me, jerlyn, yea won, ke xian, wei zhi, qi jiang and jun wei going onli... Then when we all meet liao, i ask y vernice never come... Then kx tell me he forget he got ask anot... He retarded liao...
Then i call jie... She say never invited but she can come... Cause she dont wan go temple... So she oso go call jing wen to come... Then we waited so long for them... We decided go interchange find them... We asked yea won take care of our bag then we went off... We go tjhere but no one... Juz wan we going back to jp, we saw jie!! haha then she tell me hp no batt so we cannot reach her... She say she go 3 rounds round jp second and third floor but we were at mac which is at first floor so is she sway... Then jing wen came too... blah blah...
Then go kx house for a while and eat dessert and oso get ang bao and we were off to catch a movie: Percy Jackson and the lightning thief... The movie so nice lor=) But we were late... Then vernice forget to take her ticket cause we all left our bag at kx house...
Then i good di marhs=) i lend jie 10 dollars and i ran to the GV to buy for her ticket=) i am such a good di=) then we all go buy drinks and we go into cinema. But sad movie started liao... But little onli so nvm lor... Then show so interesting lor... Then my left hand is jerlyn right hand is jun wei... Then i went to toilet twice lor... Wow cause i drank one large ice lemon tea...
After movie, we go kx house again... This time, his relatives come liao... Then we all wait outside and go in onli when they ask us to.. Then we all eat bee hoon.. So funny lor... Vernice go ask jun wei for his plate then vernice throw jun wei's food into her own plate... Jie so bad lor!! haha!!
Then we eat eat lor... Then jerlyn's father call her... Cause she nid to go home early but havent do project... Then i oso dont noe wat her father tell her until she die lor... I go an wei ta....
Then jie chu ma go tell her father a lie that succeed... But she forgot to tell a perfect lie lor.. haix nvm... Then i chit chat with vernice and ke xian... Then bout 5.45 we left kx house to take 242 to Boon Lay interchange and i went take 180 to go home... I said goodbye to the others and went off liao..
Dont wanna elaborate anymore liao...
Anyway i love u all guys!!!


Come back to me.
6:24 AM

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hi folks i am back so soon!!! haha ok 2day went to ameline's b'dae party... SO fun lor!! But hor kee kee go say cannot meet me go cause her parents going with her... Lols... nvm lor i go myself and reach yishun at bout 10.30...
Then dont noe wat to buy so ask kee kee faster to help me choose one... Then i go timezone play arcade,, Time passes so fast and kee kee still havent reach... I go mini toons buy sweets to eat first then i go Mrt station wait for her cause she too slow liao...
then finally saw her... Then her mother talk to me lyk she noe me for a long time liao... LOLS!! She too friendly liao la...
Nvm then go northpoint meet nicoler and ameline... Met liao go mini toons choose presents for ameline... I bought a rabbit for her... I keep saying going to buy pig and kee kee keep saying so cute... Lols...
Then we go ameline's house... Play taboo then go downstairs playground to play... Fun sia... Then ameline catcher and come catch me but no avail... Then she gave up liao... Lols...
Then they say play water then me and kee say dont wan... then later kee kee say wan then she stood up... then went i still looking down ameline come spray me... lols... then stop liao cause they no more water... Then grace and one more girl go refill... Then start again... then grace come spray me and kee kee say good... The i lols... then kee kee chase after me... but her slippers suddenly break and cannot run liao... Of course i took this opportunity to say her... Then come grace again... I run lor...
Finish liao but ameline come spray me again... Caught me by surprise again...
nvm play finish liao go back her house... then at around 5 something nicole's mother drove me and kee kee home... We said ty and got off... Then kee kee ask me accompany her to jamie's house to take the wallet for her and ameline... Then take liao go off... Kee kee called jamie... Then kee kee let me hear jamie dont noe say wat to me... Nvm and we walked off... Said bye bye to kee kee and went home.. And here i am typing out this post...
K tune in again folks!!


Come back to me.
3:53 AM

Ok wake up at around 7 something... Then wait for uncle to come and fetch my family and i to malaysia... At first the journey veri smooth... Then later at the Singapore checkpoint no cars nvm pass through...
Then going to malaysia checkpoint liao before even reach halfway, traffic jam liao... Then we all so shock... Thank god my uncle clever he go outside the lanes and drove!!
So fast sia... In 2o min we say bye bye and off to my grandparents house liao...
Blah blah...
Then all my cousins came... Then i received my ang baos after dinner...
Then chiong play games then play firecrackers...
So damn fun lor!!!
Slept at 12 plus...
Second day wake up and play games again... Blah blah... Then connect PSP with my cousins to play... And we gamble!! haha i won money=)
ok blah blah ate finish lunch and dinner... then play firecrackers again...
Then slept at 11 plus...
Third day wake up... SO sian...
go eat ba kut teh lor... Finish liao go back and gamble again... We play with adults lor.. lols... Adults all bet so big one.. OMG!!! nvm... still won...
ok then leave malaysia liao... HOME I AM COMING!!!
ok then got traffic jam for a while... nvm... blah blah and arrive home...
Then whole day veri sian cause 'she' oso go back malaysia cannot message her... Haix...
Then i stare into space and keep thinking bout her until i sleep until next morning... LOLS!!!
K end of story bye folks!!


Come back to me.
3:44 AM

Monday, February 1, 2010

I have lyk a fever and recover slowly in the afternoon... Then suddenly in the evening, it suddenly go up to 38.3!!!
Mother ask me go doc but i say nvm... Take some meds and etc and then lower liao until 37.5...
Still cannot so go see doc... Sian mc 2morrow...
Sry i broke my promise to u.... I am so sry...
And i am looking forward for ur ans to my question=)


Come back to me.
5:56 AM

Friday, January 29, 2010

Back from camp liao!!! The camp food suck lyk hell lor so damn not nice... Some dont even have taste one... The activities ok la... But hor the floor damn hard and no air-con difficult to sleep leh...
Haix... Sway lor... Ok still quite enjoy the camp with 'her' around^^ HAHA!!!
Juz now wanted to tell her something but saw my mother at front gate... But nvm i smsed her...
Ya then i come home put bags change clothes and go downstairs to eat... Buy lots of things cause miss those proper food :P haha then go home i read books.... Cause damn tired suddenly sleep... Then i juz wake up bout 1 hour before...


Come back to me.
3:58 AM

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why life so miserable? Made me such a good friend to her and yet i cannot hold on to her... Why??
Why does it happen to me? Is she going to feel wat i am feeling now?
Does she really noe how i feel bout her?
I had done a lot of things for her but had she known them all?
There r a lot of why that is going to be revealed soon...
I hope it goes in my way...


Come back to me.
3:45 AM

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sry ppl so long never blog liao... ps hor cause recently busy playing!!! Anyway this three weeks in commonwealth damn fun sia!! Got some chio bu in my class sia!!! Anyway i same class with ke xian, samantha, ding zhe and thelsa... Haix miss 6h sia... Those enjoyable and memorable times we had 2gether... Those sweet and sour times we had gone through 2gether... I miss them all... I miss all my teachers...
Next class reunion we will try to make everyone come!!
Goodbye for now all!!

Come back to me.
2:24 AM

Monday, December 14, 2009

2day was a fun day. Morning we wait at bus stop at 9am to go imm buy things needed for our bbq. Then me, ke xian, ivan, yt, yy and elaine walk to imm cause we cannot wait anymore longer for bus liao... Jamie and her nanny and edris then wait for the bus lor... Then hor who noe when we juz left, the bus came...
At imm, we go to GIANT to buy things that we needed... WOW!!! Spent over 100 dollars sia... So glad that that was not my money <3
Then after we pay for our things, we brought them all to jamie's nanny house... Then, me, ke xian and ivan hired a taxi and went to jurong point to watch new moon. The girls oso took a taxi but later then us... BUT... Their taxi was much faster than us!! Sianzzz... Nvm...
We go to golden village to buy movie tickets for the 12.50 new moon... Since still got 1 hours or so, we went to arcade and chiong arh!!! Then, ivan wan to take neo-print... (I thought onli girls lyk neo-print but ivan oso lyk it... Diao"-.-...
After taking that, we go to the new jurong point then we realise that it was almost time to watch new moon liao... But then we oso realise jamie dont noe disappear off where liao... We all call her but she juz send a message to yt saying to ask us to go in first and she will go in a little later... LOLS!!!
Then buy foods, blah blah and then watch new moon... DAMN NICE SIA!!! But not as exciting as the one the i read in the book new moon... So many exciting parts never say lor... Sianzzz...
Then when we go out of the cinema, Jamie disappear again-.-... But then ivan go to toilet and as he came out, we saw jamie coming out too... Wa lao leh...
Then we give out ideas as to where to go now... Yt say keep saying go safra or Bukit Batok CSC to play bowling and jamie support her... But so far away lor... Then we finally decided to go to ivan's house barhs... Again we take the first taxi and in the end we still lost to the girls one... Maybe the taxi driver that we hired the car engine is old one...
Haix... Then we go ivan house play WII and blah blah... Then we all say bye bye and go home.. I go food court buy food lor and yt, jamie and elaine follow me go while yy go home first... Elaine ask me treat her to drinks then i say no lor... BLAH BLAH... Buy finish food liao then go home bath then eat lor... Then parents and brother go out and i stay at home cause i was like dog- tired...
Then i play comp and now then blog lor... HAHA!!!
Bye all...


Come back to me.
6:06 AM

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Howdy all, sry for not posting for such a looong time... I was lazy to blog... Anyway 2day badminton training was both fun and stressing... Fun as we play a lot of matches while stress cause the training process was damn tiring sia!! So tired 2day and sprained my ankle sia... So painful siaaa!!!!


Come back to me.
3:56 AM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

All my gans and friends, i am going back to malaysia 2day so dont bother bout contacting me... I will be back on this sat... S if u have anything to ask me ask me on this sat.


Come back to me.
3:31 PM

Monday, December 7, 2009

I am back all gans and friends!! Sry for not posting for such a long time... I was lazy so i havent posted for a few days la...
Anyway i am looking forward to our class 2nd reunion on 16 dec.


Come back to me.
10:41 PM

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hi sry long time never post hor... Anyway yesterday damn fun sia.... Go commonwealth for open house haha then listen to principal talking... then go nan hua open house hear the principal talking damn funny ! He keep saying jokes sia...... Anyway it was a damn damn fun day and i kept teasing Kee kee mei too.... For something la of course =)

Come back to me.
4:44 PM

Friday, October 23, 2009

It had been an extremely fun week. On mon, me, ivan, yong ying, yan tian and yi hui went to imm to meet at 10am. Yan say the last person to arrive there buy lunch but she last one and oso never buy lunch lor.... We went there to buy stuffs for our F.L.I.G.H.T project. Sry cannot tell u wat we buy :D is secret...... After that go KOPITIAM buy ice kacang to eat. DELICIOUS SIA!!!!!!! After that went to ivan's house to put the things that we buy and then go out to SINGA bookshop at jurong west to buy things oso. We did not noe how to go so after we arrived near jurong complex, ivan called his daddy to drive us there. Got a young baby girl there when we waiting. So cute sia.... Affer that go to SINGA bookshop in ivan's father car. Nid to squizz sia.... Sian.... After that we buy finish liao then go back ivan's house again.... His parents go out to dont noe wat place la... Then we do and do our product. Then pizza came cause ivan's parents buy for us to eat cause we never eat lunch. We ate and ate, gorging down our food. After that continue to chiong on our product. Then ivan suddenly say no more material liao... Nid go back to SINGA bookshop to buy again but no car... So ivan me and yong ying run to SINGA bookshop..... Sian damn tired sia... Go there 15 min sia..... Haix buy finish things liao go buy drinks. Damn nice sia!!!! After that take taxi to ivan's house.... I play for it sia.... Nvm after that we chiong again to do the product. And after a long day, we went home like a dead tired dog.....

Tuesday, meet at bubble tea to go to yan's house. Her mother dont let her go out so go her house. Me, ivan and yong ying went to her hou by bus. Waited for a very LOONGG time then the bus came. Then when we arrived at yan's. Saw yi hui's dressing. Extremely weird sia.... Pink fromthe top to the bottom!!!! OMG!!!! We all laughed. After that we play comp and make our product at the same time. After that go out cause nid to by more materials so when we buy finish, yan suggest go buy bubble craze ( should be this barhs) but onli she and yi hui buy onli..... After that go NTUC buy things again. I buy tidibits:D Yum...yum... Then the girls go off first. Then i ran to catch up wih them. They run so slow:D Then cannot see ivan at all. U all should noe wat that mean:D Waited for him and then wait for traffic light. Then yong ying and yan suddenly run off.Jaywalking..... I wait for green light then ran to catch up with them. Yi hui and ivan walk on their own. I catch up with them and went up to the lift. Same as mon we play comp and make our product at the same time.We then went home but waited for a LONG time before one bus came.... Waited for bout 20 min....
Wed we rest. Thur went to ivan house. Same thing. Blah... Blah... Blah... Blah... Then cause yan not around so we cannot do anything thus we play ivan's Wii the whole day at his house :D So fun sia ^^Then go home lor....
Fri we oso go to ivan's house. So fun oso. First 1 and a half hour play his Wii again.... Hand veri suan cause play too much liao on thur. After that spend half an hour doing our product. VIOLA! It is all done ^^ Continued chiong Wii while ivan and his sister chiong maple. Went home in separate ways....
The End.....

Come back to me.
4:22 AM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

PS to all... Long time never blog liao cause studying for PSLE.... Anyway congrats to all for finishing PSLE. Hope when we take our results we will be able to go to our DREAM school.

Come back to me.
4:15 AM

Sunday, July 5, 2009

hi all!!!! 11 july is my birthday!!! Yay=) finally sia...... anyway pls give me presents for those i have given u birthday presents hor......

Come back to me.
4:11 AM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sry le long time never post...... How r all of ur holidays? Mine is exciting but other times then write cause forget le...... Must slowly reacall =) Ps hor =)

Come back to me.
4:18 AM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Go to my second blog which is theplacewherethereissecret.blogspot.com and tagged me:)

Come back to me.
1:10 AM

Monday, February 2, 2009

Toady CCA very the sian leh. Mr Seet ask us to do push-ups leh. Before we can even do, we ask cher if exsisting members can play anot.When he said we can go and play, we were as happy as a lark.Then, later cher tell us who can continue their CCA and who can onli join badminton at semester 2. I was veri lucky to be able to join the CCA for the first semester lor.


Come back to me.
3:51 AM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hi all! I am back. You know yesterday(which is december 22th)from morning 9 am to 11.25, i was at the science centre with jamie,yantian,miao ling,alichel and loo wei hao. Then we go to the omni-theatre to watch "The Wild Ocean". Then we go to Jurong Point to watch 'twilight'( a movie). We went to platform b at jurong mrt station first with loo wei hao but when the mrt came, we called them to ask where they were. Then they told us that jamie's bag was spoilt and they were choosing a bag for her. after waiting for sometimes, we decided to board the MRT first. Then we go to Zone-X and play and it was so shiok. Then we prepared to go into the cinema to watch twilight. Then, Miao ling suddenly said that her sister has not come so we waited then she finally came. The movie was great. After that, we went for our dinner and we bid goodbye to Miao Ling and her sister as they go home. After eating our lunch, we too bid goodbye to Yan Tian and her sister. Then, loo wei hao, jamie and i decided to board a taxi to go home. After we alighted from the taxi, we bid goodbye to each other.

It was a good day for me as there were a lot of fun.

Come back to me.
4:39 AM